Estate Planning
A well-drafted and complete estate plan, whether it be a Will or a Revocable Living Trust, will ensure that your family and assets are protected should something happen to you. If you already have an estate plan that hasn't been reviewed in yours, or you have recently relocated to Sun City West or Surprise, Arizona, it is likely that an update is in order.
Probate Administration
Probate is the legal process that takes place after someone dies. It involves the judicial determination of whether a Will (or, if no Will, then intestacy) is valid and the process of settling/administering an estate under the supervision of the probate court.
Administering an estate is the process by which assets are gathered, applied to pay debts, taxes and expenses of administration, and distributed to those designated as Beneficiaries in the Will (or through intestacy). The Personal Representative named in the Will is in charge of the process.
Trust Administration
As a Trust Administration Lawyer, I frequently help trustees administer their loved one's estates. While it is not required that successor trustees hire an attorney for the administration of their trust, it is often the case that a few thousand dollars in attorney's fees will save you a great deal of frustration, time, and money in the administration of your trust.
Since 1994
Personal Attention & Insightful Legal Advice
Estate planning and Informal Probate law can be very complex. Professional legal advice from an Arizona lawyer is vital, and my firm provides our legal services for a flat fee (publication costs, recording fees and filing fees are not included in this flat fee).
My approach to creating custom-tailored estate plans includes a discussion of how your needs will change throughout the years. I have a thorough understanding of estate planning and probate/trust law you need to ensure that your spouse, children, or others of your choosing are not prevented from being your beneficiaries. With sound legal advice, you can have control over these important matters and provide for your loved ones well into the future.